November 06, 2007

Just looking vaguely Western...

...don't make you a cowboy. This is really hideous, even for 1977, but then again it was a JC Penney catalog photo...

October 21, 2007

Not yet, not yet, but soon

My buddy the Kid has been at Purgatory in the Pines, the New Jersey state championship, all weekend.
I envy him the friendships and the shooting.
But I'll get back to it, one of these days.
Fortunately I always had to close one eye to shoot anyway, so my doubled vision won't be a detriment.
Can't shoot any worse than I did before...

September 09, 2007

New cowboy lust object

Because I can use it for both N-SSA and SASS events, and because it's surely one of the most beautiful weapons ever designed, I gotta get me one of these. As I'm currently flogging my 'black' gubs on GunBroker, I may even be able to afford one soon. (No, not the Romano one. That's five grand. Worth every penny, but I don't have the pennies. I'm going to have to get one of the Eyetralian ones from Taylor's...)

August 20, 2007

Back in the saddle again

After a bout with a head injury (no, the horse didn't kick me, though it felt like it), I'm mostly back to being myself. Not quite ready to return to Cowboy Action Shooting, true, but at least I'm thinking about it. I do miss my Colt single actions...